What are the payment options available at Hubside.Store?

We offer secure payment by CB / Mastercard / Visa / American Express / Paypal / FLOA

Security is a central point in the choice of a payment solution for our e-shop. Hubside.Store offers you the option of paying by credit card using the 3D secure protocol.

You can finalize your order with FLOA. When you place your order, select the FLOA payment method (3 or 4 times) and fill in the required information. You will be redirected to the FLOA payment form. Simply fill in your card details and confirm your payment. Once your payment has been accepted, you will automatically return to Hubside.Store to complete your order. Our partner FLOA will validate your financing within 2 working days.

You can also finalize your order with Paypal. When you place your order, select the PayPal payment method. You will then be redirected to your PayPal account. Log in (or create an account) and confirm your payment.
Once your payment has been accepted, you will automatically return to Hubside.Store to complete your order.